A Loss is a Loss…But Do You Believe in Moral Victories?

seahawks win 3You can exhale now Denver. It’s over. The “Super Bowl Rematch” has been completed. Unfortunately, Denver didn’t come out on top. And although the record has become blemished with the first loss of the season, put an asterisk next to this one. This loss will be a victory in the future. Read More

Hold the Phone, There’s a “D” in Denver After All

defenseIt’s official Denver fans: football is back. Bronco’s football, that is. And as Sunday’s games wrapped up with your Denver Broncos debuting on primetime TV against Indianapolis, there is a lot to be taken away from “Denver vs. Indy part two”. One takeaway was the play of Denver’s defense. Read More

The Rematch: Manning’s Homecoming Redemption

When Broncos fans read the term “rematch” up top, it’s safe to assume I’m previewing “Broncos vs. Seahawks part two”. However, that’s two weeks away. I’m speaking of Manning’s long awaited do-over in week one against Indy. Manning wants this matchup again more than you think…perhaps more than Seattle. Read More