A Loss is a Loss…But Do You Believe in Moral Victories?

seahawks win 3You can exhale now Denver. It’s over. The “Super Bowl Rematch” has been completed. Unfortunately, Denver didn’t come out on top. And although the record has become blemished with the first loss of the season, put an asterisk next to this one. This loss will be a victory in the future. Read More

Shayne’s Broncos Pre-Season Prediction

broncos preseasonWell dear readers, it is that time again. Once more I get to write about the Broncos and football. I owe apologizes to my loyal readers for not writing for so long. After the last Superbowl I found that I had gotten to ‘zymosan’ in the dictionary and it took a while to rewind that book and find new words. Alas, on to the show! Read More

Broncos Season Preview, Position Breakdowns, Game Predictions & More

IMG_22001088647810We’re finally at that time. Super Bowl 48 is about to officially become a thing of the past. Training camp and preseason has come and gone, the 53-man roster has been released, and we’re at the home stretch. The 2014-15 regular season for your Denver Broncos is about to begin. Read More